The Pokerkeep and Cool Hand Poker have teamed up to bring our players the chance to win a beach destination holiday!
Fancy a $5000 beach holiday anywhere in the world?
Every time you play at Cool Hand Poker from 15th February onwards, you will earn chips to our Life’s a Beach final tournament to be played on the 2nd May 2010. All you need to do to get into the final is play at Cool Hand Poker between 15th February and the 30th April to earn your starting chips for the final!
Want to know exactly how it works?
Each day you play either 10 raked hands, reach $1 in tournament fees, or wager $100 in casino games, you’ll earn one Life’s a Beach cocktail, which equals 100 starting chips for the final! Earn two cocktails in a day by raking 100 hands, buying in for $10 in tournament fees or wagering $1000 in casino games.
Good Luck!

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